

Withdrawn by the Applicant

WITHDRAW, per applicants request

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

Applicant Request


Property Information

800 S Central St

East side of S. Central St., across from terminus of Cumberland Ave.

Council District 6
Census Tract 1

8,825 square feet

Central City

Land Use Designation? ROW

Currently on the Property
Vacant, previously a church

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
WITHDRAW, per applicants request
Notice sent to staff on 11/1/18 to withrdaw this application.

Both the One Year Plan and Central City Sector Plan designate this parcel as ROW (Right-of-Way). This is a mapping error, since the parcel is not part of the James White Parkway right-of-way. The parcels on the east side of S. Central St. should be designated MU-RC (Mixed Use Regional Center) in the One Year and Central City Sector Plan. The adjacent parcels in downtown are designated MU-RC and many of them are zoned C-2 (Central Business District) zone.

The Central City Sector Plan is being proposed to be amended for this parcel and the parcel to the south (11-B-18-SP). The One-Year Plan will be updated for this area during the 2019 update.
Disposition Summary
WITHDRAW, per applicants request

Russell Balest

Case History