Other Business


by the Planning Commission

Nominating Committee Chair Beth Eason presented their slate of officers: They nominate Pat Phillips for Chair and Scott Smith for Vice Chair.

See case notes below


Case Notes



Presentation of the Nominating Committee's slate of officers for the Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission for the 2021 calendar year.


Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
Nominating Committee Chair Beth Eason presented their slate of officers: They nominate Pat Phillips for Chair and Scott Smith for Vice Chair.
Nominating Committee Chair Beth Eason presented their slate of officers: They nominate Pat Phillips for Chair and Scott Smith for Vice Chair.
Disposition Summary
Nominating Committee Chair Beth Eason presented their slate of officers: They nominate Pat Phillips for Chair and Scott Smith for Vice Chair.

Knoxville-Knox County Planning

Case History

This program aims to increase transit in disadvantaged communities and reduce the impact of climate change. Knoxville-Knox County Planning, in partnership with KAT and the city, will develop a Transit-based Opportunities Map to identify locations for development along key transit corridors that target attainable housing and employment opportunities. Transit-oriented development (TOD) prioritizes efficient, equitable, sustainable development. It also helps reduce poverty and further benefit communities by:

  • Encouraging greater transit use,
  • Reducing automobile use,
  • Maximizing existing infrastructure
  • Reducing emissions, and
  • Providing mixed and low-income housing options.