Use On Review


by the Planning Commission

DENY the development plan for up to 142 detached single family dwellings on individual lots based on the following reasons:

See case notes below



Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Details of Action

1. The proposed subdivision is not consistent with the General Purpose of the Knoxville-Knox County Minimum Subdivision Regulations which requires "coordination of roads within the subdivided land with other existing or planned roads". In this case the "planned road" is the relocation of the new Ball Camp Pike.
2. The proposed subdivision ignores the designed layout of the new Ball Camp Pike which has been in the planning and design phases since 1997.
3. The applicant was first notified of the new Ball Camp Pike project in late March/early April, 2003 through meeting and correspondence from the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, and by the MPC Staff Report for the Rufus Smith, Jr. & Company rezoning and sector plan amendment (4-UU-03-RZ & 4-F-03-SP) for the property. The applicant was also involved in meetings with County Engineering Staff regarding the details of the project.
4. The applicant submitted a revised concept plan that incorporated the new Ball Camp Pike road project into it's design. This concept plan was recommended for approval by MPC Staff at the Planning Commission's July 10, 2003 meeting. The applicant requested postponement at that meeting.
5. The proposed subdivision is not consistent with a Transportation policy of the Knoxville-Knox County General Plan that advocates "Improving the continuity of the urban and regional thoroughfare system." The new Ball Camp Pike project is one link in a continuous east-west four lane arterial road system that will eventually connect with Tazewell Pike to the east and Lovell Rd. to the west.
6. With the northern portion of the property within the slope protection area (as identified in the Northwest County Sector Plan), proposed Lots 67 - 78 do not comply with the minimum lot size requirements for hillside subdivisions as identified in the Minimum Subdivision Regulations (Section 82-33).

Applicant Request


Property Information

7301 Ball Camp Pike

North side of Ball Camp Pike, southwest of Amherst Rd.

Commission District 6

57.32 acres

Northwest County

Currently on the Property
Vacant land

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
DENY the development plan for up to 142 detached single family dwellings on individual lots based on the following reasons:
1. The proposed subdivision is not consistent with the General Purpose of the Knoxville-Knox County Minimum Subdivision Regulations which requires "coordination of roads within the subdivided land with other existing or planned roads". In this case the "planned road" is the relocation of the new Ball Camp Pike.
2. The proposed subdivision ignores the designed layout of the new Ball Camp Pike which has been in the planning and design phases since 1997.
3. The applicant was first notified of the new Ball Camp Pike project in late March/early April, 2003 through meeting and correspondence from the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, and by the MPC Staff Report for the Rufus Smith, Jr. & Company rezoning and sector plan amendment (4-UU-03-RZ & 4-F-03-SP) for the property. The applicant was also involved in meetings with County Engineering Staff regarding the details of the project.
4. The applicant submitted a revised concept plan that incorporated the new Ball Camp Pike road project into it's design. This concept plan was recommended for approval by MPC Staff at the Planning Commission's July 10, 2003 meeting. The applicant requested postponement at that meeting.
5. The proposed subdivision is not consistent with a Transportation policy of the Knoxville-Knox County General Plan that advocates "Improving the continuity of the urban and regional thoroughfare system." The new Ball Camp Pike project is one link in a continuous east-west four lane arterial road system that will eventually connect with Tazewell Pike to the east and Lovell Rd. to the west.
6. With the northern portion of the property within the slope protection area (as identified in the Northwest County Sector Plan), proposed Lots 67 - 78 do not comply with the minimum lot size requirements for hillside subdivisions as identified in the Minimum Subdivision Regulations (Section 82-33).
Disposition Summary
DENY the development plan for up to 142 detached single family dwellings on individual lots based on the following reasons:
Details of Action
1. The proposed subdivision is not consistent with the General Purpose of the Knoxville-Knox County Minimum Subdivision Regulations which requires "coordination of roads within the subdivided land with other existing or planned roads". In this case the "planned road" is the relocation of the new Ball Camp Pike.
2. The proposed subdivision ignores the designed layout of the new Ball Camp Pike which has been in the planning and design phases since 1997.
3. The applicant was first notified of the new Ball Camp Pike project in late March/early April, 2003 through meeting and correspondence from the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, and by the MPC Staff Report for the Rufus Smith, Jr. & Company rezoning and sector plan amendment (4-UU-03-RZ & 4-F-03-SP) for the property. The applicant was also involved in meetings with County Engineering Staff regarding the details of the project.
4. The applicant submitted a revised concept plan that incorporated the new Ball Camp Pike road project into it's design. This concept plan was recommended for approval by MPC Staff at the Planning Commission's July 10, 2003 meeting. The applicant requested postponement at that meeting.
5. The proposed subdivision is not consistent with a Transportation policy of the Knoxville-Knox County General Plan that advocates "Improving the continuity of the urban and regional thoroughfare system." The new Ball Camp Pike project is one link in a continuous east-west four lane arterial road system that will eventually connect with Tazewell Pike to the east and Lovell Rd. to the west.
6. With the northern portion of the property within the slope protection area (as identified in the Northwest County Sector Plan), proposed Lots 67 - 78 do not comply with the minimum lot size requirements for hillside subdivisions as identified in the Minimum Subdivision Regulations (Section 82-33).

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.

The appeal deadline - October 11, 2003 - has passed.

The Process

Rufus H. Smith Jr. & Company

Case History