

by the Planning Commission

DENY R-2 (General Residential) zoning.

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

3211 Joyce Ave

North side Joyce Ave, south side Keith Ave., east of Liberty St.

Council District 3
Census Tract 27

0.60 acres

Central City

Land Use Designation? TDR

Currently on the Property
One house

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
DENY R-2 (General Residential) zoning.
Although the property was previously zoned R-2, a 1989 general rezoning to R-1A brought the zoning into conformance with the plan, which, at the time proposed low density residential. The current plan proposes TDR (Traditional Neighborhood), which allows consideration of R-2 zoning. The current R-1A zoning also conforms with the TDR plan designations on the property, is appropriate for the area, and allows reasonable use of the site for future development. Since Keith Ave. is classified as a major collector street, attached multi-family development may be considered by MPC as a use on review. Duplexes are also permitted in the current R-1A zone. The applicant may pursue a use on review for the proposed multi-dwelling use without the need to change the zoning to R-2.
Disposition Summary
DENY R-2 (General Residential) zoning.

What's next?

After the Planning Commission

Daniel Mercado

Case History