Row Closure


Recommended for approval
by the Planning Commission

unnamed alley

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request

Close Alley From
Lot 71 of Cowan & Pritchards Addition
Lot 58-62 of Cowan & Pritchards Addition
Reason for Closure
City believes this portion of the alley was intended to be closed and erroneously was not described in the closing Ordinance No. 1288 that effectively closed the northern and eastern portions of this same said unnamed alley. This alley is landlocked due to the closure area described in Ordinance No. 1288 on the east and Ordinance No. O-86-81 that closed Clyde St. to the west.


No objections from any departments or utilities have been received by staff as of the date of this report.

Property Information

0 Unnamed alley

Council District 6
Census Tract 69

Central City

Growth Plan
Urban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
RECOMMEND that City Council APPROVE the closure of the unnamed alley, as requested, subject to any required easements.
Staff has heard no objections to this proposed alley closure.
Disposition Summary
unnamed alley

What's next?

After the Planning Commission
This Row Closure case in the City was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - February 27, 2015 has passed.

City of Knoxville

Case History